July 21, 2012

Lipton tea...

Like Kit Kats, I am obsessed with trying all the Lipton teas that emerge in Japan and like Kit Kats a lot of teas debut in Japan.

First I'll talk about Milk Tea.  The OG of Liptons in Japan as far as I know it is always on the shelves no matter what time of year it is.

Milk Tea is the blue carton on the far right.  Also pictured are Lemon Tea, Peach Tea and 50/50 American Style Tea Lemonade.

Lemon Tea is kind of meh but I don't like Lemon Tea anyway so I suppose if you like Lemon Tea, you'll like it.

One of my favorite flavors in the world is peach.  I'll eat peach anything.  However, I was less than impressed with Lipton's Peach Tea.  For some reason I thought it would be more awesome than it actually was.

The original Milk Tea is by far the best flavor and I'm sure as many others that come out none will top it.

Maple Milk Tea was out during March in Japan and it was, well, weird.

It was part of the World Travel series but I didn't stay long enough to get to experience other parts of the world.  The Maple Milk Tea was from Canada according to the carton.

Next is Earl Grey Milk Tea.

I love hot Earl Grey tea.  I drink it all the time.  This one is cold and it tastes just like the hot Earl Grey tea I drink except cold so that threw me right there.  It's not bad, just not right somehow.

Green Apple Tea tasted too much like candy for my liking.

Just released is the American Style 50/50 Tea & Lemonade and if I had to pick a favorite aside from the OG, I'd say this one.  I'm sure Japan wouldn't understand why it was called an Arnold Palmer; my British friend didn't but it sure is a damn good one.  If you're in Japan, I highly recommend trying this.  There are two cartons in my fridge right now.  Too bad they didn't have this for the 4th of July.

Finally and not pictured is Tropical Fruit Tea which is better than Peach Tea but not very sweet and just okay.

Here's the list of Lipton Teas I've tried:

Milk Tea
Maple Milk Tea
Lemon Tea
Peach Tea
Earl Grey Milk Tea
Green Apple Tea
50/50 Tea & Lemonade
Tropical Fruit Tea

This list, of course, will grow.  So stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. yummeeeh! i`m also obsessed with these!
    loooooove the green apple <3
    i buy tons all the time xDd
