October 7, 2010

Military chic + extras...

What the heck is wrong with my dashboard?  The thumbs are gigantic!

I wanted to post all day but I haven't felt well.  I've been in and out of dizzy spells since about 3:30PM.  :(

So this is the cool Caboodles case I got for supercheap yesterday.  I think everything fits in there nicely and folded up it looks like a briefcase.  Fancy!

Today, I rocked the J-trendy military look.  I got a couple compliments on the outfit though I don't know how genuine they actually were considering the source.  Someone asked me if I was wearing a boy scout uniform.  Um...no.  Anyway, I had considered a black skirt and green top but then I remembered that I had this army colored skirt that I braved Savers (complete with a puking child) for.  For some reason this top makes me look busty and I like it!  Military style top from Forever 21.  Necklace from Kohl's.

Finally, I forgot about these cute socks my grandparents got me for my birthday.  Sure, socks are a staple of the grandparent gift world but I really think these are cute.

I have to crash in hopes that my dizzy spells will subside long enough for me to make it through the short day tomorrow.  Then, what joy, a whole week off!

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