August 26, 2010

Retail therapy...

It's been a busy week so I haven't posted every single day but here are my clothes for this week.

There was no way my face wanted to look good in either picture so...cropped off.  Dress from Goodwill.

No joke, I haven't worn this white "Present" shirt since I bought in in Japan.  So until Tuesday, it had never been worn in America, sad to break a streak like that.  Anyway, bow necklace (2010), gray vest and "Present" shirt all from Japan 2009.

You really have no idea how much I love this set from Japan 2010.  A hair poof, a bow and a cute pose just makes the outfit that much more adorable.  :D  (Lucky Jeans from Goodwill)

For reasons I don't want to get into on a fashion blog, I had a bit of shitty week.  So while reading Moments Like Diamonds, I decided I too needed some retail therapy.  So off to H&M and it's pretty affordable for being in Scottsdale Fashion Square.

Can I just say, thanks H&M for oversized shirts in abundance!  You make a girl with insecurities feel less insecure.  Hello Kitty shirt and cool dark patterned shirt, both oversized.  Ridiculously awesome oversized bow necklace.

Long gray stripey number and polka dot sweater shirt.

This oversized cardigan is actually what I went in for.  What do you think of this?  Does it look good on me?  Please don't be distracted by my shorty short shorts.

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